What employees want

Washington-based analytics and advisory company Gallup recently completed a survey of more than 140,000 US employees to establish what they – and their employers – want from the hybrid work environment. While some people can’t wait to return to “normal” office-bound work systems, others are happy to split their time between formal and home offices or to continue to work remotely.

“Approximately half of the U.S. full-time workforce – representing about 60 million workers – report that their current job can be done remotely working from home, at least part of the time,” states Gallup. And if employers don’t maintain a hybrid work situation, “54% of employees currently working exclusively from home said they would likely look for another job; 38% of hybrid workers said the same.”

Among the top reasons employees want a hybrid work arrangement are to minimise the commute, have the flexibility to manage their own time but still feel part of the company culture, gain better work-life balance and improve personal wellbeing. “Work flexibility tends to be optimal for engaging employees and reducing burnout – before and during the pandemic,” states Gallup.

In the end, it affects productivity. “Exceptionally led hybrid teams tend to have more engaged employees, more intentional and meaningful interactions, and, ultimately, better flexibility to integrate work and home life.”

Undoubtedly the move towards hybrid work environments will impact the real estate industry. Time will tell whether suburb or city living proves more popular.

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