Six social media habits for success

Six social media habits for success

Telling your story authentically will get you noticed

TV host, ad exec, coach, and speaker Giselle Ugarte (pronounced Yoo-gar-dee) is passionate about creating healthy social media habits for real estate agents intent on building their brands and growing their businesses. 

Acknowledging that the real estate industry is experiencing a “turbulent season” and that agents are feeling it personally, professionally, or both, she says sharing your story in an authentic, unautomated way is the only way you’ll stand out.

Top tips for social media success

  1. Don’t be a copycat. Writing what you think people want to read and incorporating terms and ideas you’ve seen competitors and colleagues use will make your script seem automated. Ultimately, you’re talking to each other rather than attracting new clients and encouraging engagement.
  2. Set your intention and define your target audience as clients – not buyers and sellers – addressing them as such in social media posts. (It’s the same as a doctor referring to you as a patient, instead of a body.)
  3. If you’re still too shy for video and talking on camera, let your followers get to know you and your voice through your content. They must be able to see you and not only the houses you’re selling. You’re in a face-forward business. Schedule regular updates using current selfies or photographs taken of you that reveal something of your personality, your smile, and who you are.
  4. What you write must make sense to somebody who doesn’t know you or your industry. Educate, inform, or entertain to provide value. Avoid calls to action hoping that somebody might try to contact you.
  5. In summary, make your profile your own – with audio, visual, and context. There’s a big difference between: “Having a great time at <blank>” compared to: “I had the most incredible time learning with all my peers from all over the country in New York City this week. We dug deep into technology and AI and how we can better show up for our clients and our people.” Even if you use ChatGPT for inspiration as a starter prompt, don’t copy and paste or automate that. Add emotion, expression and  personality in that caption so that readers feel like they can hear your voice. 

Putting the social back in social media

Ugarte’s best advice to avoid being the one who is replicated is: “Be the one who GIVES”.

  • Gratitude – Find reasons to give thanks in posts e.g. Thank the other agents/ vendors/ staging companies who helped you sell a house. Thank your partner in crime for getting the kids out the door that morning. This shows warmth, care, and appreciation – core values. “Scientifically, that makes you happier.”
  • Insight and intel – Share what you know that no one else does (especially ChatGPT) e.g. tips about the best playground or coffee shop in your neighborhood, or something you feel more people should be aware of.
  • Vulnerability – “You cannot have courage without vulnerability. Show me the ugly and the messy because that’s what builds trust.” Talk about mistakes you’ve made in your career and what you learned from them or dealing with being outbid on a property because it led you to the right home for your client. Talk about the disaster of a place you bought and renovated and the stager who helped you transform it.
  • Emotion – “Many of you think you have to be the encyclopedia of real estate rather than just talking about what you know and what gets you excited… What’s lighting you up? What’s getting you on fire?” When you’re excited, that’s contagious. 
  • Social media – Engage with others’ posts. Send direct messages. Make comments. Check in on people so they will check in on you. Ugarte says this is the type of thing you cannot and should not outsource because you want to create a connection with your people. Anybody can tap a screen to like a post, but in the end, that’s not what brings in business.

Image source: LinkedIn

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