Revitalise your listing

Sitting with a property that’s just not moving? Here’s how to shift that yard sign to ‘Sold’!

Not every listing is going to be sold in five minutes, but too much time on the market will have potential buyers wondering why it hasn’t been snapped up. Try some of these tricks to re-energize the listing and gain new interest.

Reduce the Price

While your clients might be resistant to dropping the price, lay out all the options for them – a listing priced at or below market value is certainly going to get more interest than one that’s priced above comparable listings. This will place your seller in a powerful position to receive a higher volume of offers where they can negotiate up, rather than dealing with a few low-ball offers.

Ask for Advice

Now’s your opportunity to reach out to other agents that have sold homes in a similar price bracket and ask if they have potential buyers for your listing, highlighting the selling points that make it a property worth sharing with their clients.

Add more Incentives

On that note, make sure that you’re offering a commission that will make other agents jump, increasing it if need be. With a monetary incentive, it’s far more likely that agents will put effort into recommending your listing over others.

Get Feedback

So now that you’ve marketed your property to other agents, it’s time to focus on the listing itself. By this point there have probably been a few viewings – reach out to buyers and their agents to find out what they thought about the property then adjust your listing accordingly.

Curate the Images

While you’re looking at the listing with fresh eyes, take note of the images you’ve selected – ideally, you want a solid balance of exterior and interior images. If the current images aren’t doing the listing any favors, enlist the help of a photographer for new photos. If you’re unable to take new photos, shuffle the images around so that there’s a new main image to draw attention.

Add more Detail

Think about the extra information you can add to the listing – collateral such as a floor plan, a video and a virtual tour will help potential buyers imagine themselves living there and encourage them to plan for their future move.

Rework the Wording

How strong is the home’s selling story? Are you leading with the ‘wow’ factor? Have you described the lifestyle that the property will offer? How about spelling mistakes, typos or grammatical errors? Take this opportunity to relook at the home’s description and find ways to inject energy and must-see descriptions into the wording.

Open the Doors

Last but not least, host an open house – not only is this a solid call to action to use in your marketing for the listing, but it’s a great tool to market your services to the neighborhood.

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