How to use AI to grow your real estate business

How to use AI to grow your real estate business

Utilizing AI is critical to improving agent-client interactions.

Entrepreneur, AI expert and well-known speaker Marki Lemons-Ryhal is vocal about leveraging AI to increase real estate agents’ productivity, leads, and income, stressing the importance of growing and learning to keep pace with a changing industry.

Being adaptable brings resilience, and she says AI will empower focused, driven real estate agents to “sell more homes and help more people”. She has her own platform, Social Selling Made Simple, where she shares valuable tips, but in a recent podcast hosted by Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered, she spoke about training AI to learn your “voice paragraph”.

That means teaching using a platform like to adapt your style and tone in crafting content and other communications assistance you need help with. That way, you ensure you get original content without risk of plagiarism. Humantic is described as “not just any generative AI, [but] authentic personalization powered by personality AI” where one can “use personality insights to research and connect with prospects at a deeper level.”

It’s effectively a client relationship management system that will enable you to be more productive, catering to your client’s needs in real-time, and communicating with them in their preferred style. AI can help you paraphrase your communication in a way that will get their attention. “It’s the fastest way to get what you want,” says Lemons-Ryhal.

These are her 5 top tips for making AI work for you:

  1. Visit Social Selling Made Simple for superb guidance on utilizing AI.
  2. Start watching relevant videos on YouTube from January 2023, when AI first began making an impact. This way, you can follow its development and find people to follow who share information in a style you can relate to in order to learn it and implement it. Fun fact: “YouTube drives 74% of traffic to ChatGPT.”
  3. Take 15 minutes daily to learn and create something new, but think about content because “I’ve done the math. You have to put out 1066 words of content every day, whether that’s text, image and/or video if you want to earn $100,000. That’s the way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. A lot of agents don’t have their own content.” She says that posting about a trip to a resort destination is not content unless you’re doing relocation resort sales.
  4. You need real content, preferably hyperlocal, that connects people in the communities that you serve. 
  5. Be a solution.

And what is the one thing an agent could start doing today that would impact their business? Lemons-Ryhal advocates strategically reaching out to eight people by 8am based on their family, occupation, recreation and dreams, sliding into their DMs to recognize what’s important to them and “catch them where they are” – because people respond faster to the DM today. They’ve already told you what’s important to them via social media. It’s not about you selling them a house – it’s about wishing them a happy birthday or noticing a teen’s significant birthday coming up.”

The consensus was that if you don’t start talking to people, you aren’t going to succeed.

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