Does your brokerage work for you?

When one of the major brokerages that Jim and Amy McDaniel were affiliated with was sold, they felt uneasy about transitioning to a national brand. Jim explains, “We had considered starting our own brokerage before, but with our busy lives, it seemed like a complicated endeavor.”

During a meeting, Blok CEO Shaun Minnie asked the couple whether their brokerage worked for them or if they worked for the brokerage. Jim said, “We had asked ourselves similar questions before, after all, we were the ones doing the work, from prospecting to closing deals.”

Specialists in providing customized back-office solutions to real estate professionals, Blok enabled the couple to establish their own brokerage three months later – without the burden of payroll and fixed overheads.

“Blok set everything up for us, from crafting our brand story to signing up with the vendors we needed and putting all the processes in place,” says Jim. “Now they manage our complete back-office – the marketing, technology, vendors and accounting – so we can focus on what matters: building relationships and doing deals. Blok is really putting ownership of real estate where it belongs – in the hands of the agents.”

Amy tells a similar story. She has been in real estate since 2013 and says the part she loves most about the industry is building relationships. “I feel very close to my clients, and I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime,” she says.

For her providing excellent client service and gaining and keeping their trust are paramount.

And while technology is a valuable tool, it cannot replace the personalized customer service that agents offer in face-to-face interactions.

“Most clients don’t realize the challenges of real estate back office transaction management,” says Amy. “Sitting up late at night doing paperwork, making sure that everything is filed. I’d say I spend a good six to 12 hours on a transaction, and that doesn’t include marketing and social media outreach.”

Amy says Blok’s back-office support now allows her and Jim to do what they are best at – connecting with their clients.


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